Cleanse Day 17: Split Pea and Carrot Soup

Getting down to the final days of this cleanse! Looking forward to sticking with the healthy eating, just not being so crazy strict. Earth Fare is selling everything for 50% off now, so we stocked up on LOTS of items and are still planning on going back tomorrow. Be prepared though: you kind of get this end of the world feeling because the shelves are all picked through and nearly empty and you can just sense this unwarranted urgency as you make your way down the aisles. Well, at least I did. Shop at your own risk.  Continue reading Cleanse Day 17: Split Pea and Carrot Soup

Cleanse Day 13: Vegetable and Millet Soup

Today the Mr. and I got to enjoy a lovely stroll around Veteran’s Park. It was a gorgeous sunny day and it was great to get some fresh air. On our excursion away from the house, we decided to also stop by Earth Fare to hit up some deals since they are closing at the end of the month. Shopping took a little longer than expected…which brought back the “HANGER”! Good thing we were in a health food store and able to find an acceptable snack to eat 🙂 Kind bars held us over until we were able to make it home. Continue reading Cleanse Day 13: Vegetable and Millet Soup

Cleanse Day 12: Sweet Potato and Veggie Sauté

Just 9 more days of this cleanse! I’ll be honest, we all started getting a little “hangry” by the end of the day…The four of us made a trip up to Columbia, Tennessee so I could meet some more of the Wadley clan, so we spent most of the day in the car. Once we got to Grandy and Nana’s house, it was a team effort in the kitchen to put lunch together. Everything turned out great, and we had everyone eating cleanse friendly food! Continue reading Cleanse Day 12: Sweet Potato and Veggie Sauté

Cleanse Day 1: Detox Vegetable Soup

Hello 2016. I knew it was inevitable. It’s CLEANSE TIME. After enjoying ourselves (maybe too much?!?!) over the holidays, our entire Wadley household has embarked on a 21-day cleanse. We are looking forward to having more energy and getting back to healthy habits. Had a few crazy recipes there for a while…but I’m hoping to finally get this blog back to it’s intended purpose: a healthified recipe source! Continue reading Cleanse Day 1: Detox Vegetable Soup