Gluten-Free Italian Herbed Chia Crackers

My younger sister is in town, so I wanted to find a fun recipe for us to try out. I stumbled upon these coconut flour chia crackers and decided to spice them up with a couple different essential oils. You can adjust the texture of these crackers based on how thin you roll them out and how long you bake them.  Continue reading Gluten-Free Italian Herbed Chia Crackers

Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream

Confession: I’ve been awake for probably around 38 hours by now (long story) and I’ve definitely developed a new appreciation for my sweet husband who’s been working night shift. So here I am, instead of going to sleep, I’m posting recipes. Sleep deprived brain is rather illogical. Maybe it’s all the coffee I ended up drinking today still lingering in my system…Whatever the reasoning, we’re talking CHOCOLATE, so two words: Worth. It. Continue reading Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream

Waffles 2 Ways (including gluten-free!)

The Mr. just said “His and her waffles…guess which one’s Kristina’s!” Yes, we’re back to eating waffles! All is well in the world. I experimented with a few different types of waffles recently. The first recipe turned out pretty dry and even hurt my throat trying to swallow it, so I made a few modifications and ended up with this gem: Continue reading Waffles 2 Ways (including gluten-free!)

Cleanse Day 21: Hot Chocolate Pudding!

We’ve finally reached the end!! Wow, 21 days of clean eating. I can say that I feel SO much better than I did before we started. I have more energy, I don’t crave sugar like I used to, and I was able to lose the extra weight I had put on after all our honey-moon food (yes, you saw the pictures!), holiday dishes, and going-away meals. It feels good to be back on track! Funny – the things I missed the most during this cleanse were yogurt, eggs, and whey protein. So many more culinary possibilities to explore now! Continue reading Cleanse Day 21: Hot Chocolate Pudding!

Cleanse Day 20: 3-Grain Porrdige, Rosemary Sweet Potato Fries

Just 1 more day to go!! Today I got a little over zealous with my need to experiment…so breakfast turned out a little…interesting.  Continue reading Cleanse Day 20: 3-Grain Porrdige, Rosemary Sweet Potato Fries

Cleanse Day 19: Baked Squash Bowl

Just 2 more days to go! Hope y’all are staying warm out there. I saw some flurries earlier but I’ve been hanging out inside for most of the day. Please pray for my sweet husband! He starts night shift tonight and hopefully things go smoothly and we don’t end up with a random snowpocalypse of sorts.  Continue reading Cleanse Day 19: Baked Squash Bowl

Cleanse Day 18: Delicata Squash Volcanos

What a day! From the moment we woke up, it was go, go, go! The Mr. and I successfully made it to the gym, nearly cleared out Earth Fare’s inventory of protein powder and Kind Bars, went to the shooting range with the Schludnt’s, picked up some final items at Costco, and made it home in time to cook dinner for the family. After organizing our pantry, it looks like we’re running a health food store out of the basement! At least we’re good on protein powders for the next 2 years… Continue reading Cleanse Day 18: Delicata Squash Volcanos

Cleanse Day 17: Split Pea and Carrot Soup

Getting down to the final days of this cleanse! Looking forward to sticking with the healthy eating, just not being so crazy strict. Earth Fare is selling everything for 50% off now, so we stocked up on LOTS of items and are still planning on going back tomorrow. Be prepared though: you kind of get this end of the world feeling because the shelves are all picked through and nearly empty and you can just sense this unwarranted urgency as you make your way down the aisles. Well, at least I did. Shop at your own risk.  Continue reading Cleanse Day 17: Split Pea and Carrot Soup

Cleanse Day 16: Sweet Pea Burgers

Today was such an uplifting day filled with food and friends! I was blessed to be able to spend time at my Auntie Kim’s and cook a meal with her daughter Kaitlin. Kaitlin and I both love watching Food Network, and she found an awesome recipe that turned out great! I had to cleanse-ify it just a tad so that it fit within these detox parameters, but the “burgers” we made according to the recipe looked and smelled delicious. Even the men approved! Continue reading Cleanse Day 16: Sweet Pea Burgers

Cleanse Day 15: Stress-Less Coconut Oats, Almond Meal Banana Pancakes

Officially into the final week of our 21-day detox. Today I learned that even if your bag of almond meal says it expired in 2013, it can still make for delicious pancakes 😛 Continue reading Cleanse Day 15: Stress-Less Coconut Oats, Almond Meal Banana Pancakes